Beeper is a high-strung adventurous robot that was seemingly constructed to function similarly to a phone. Beeper has quite a neurotic personality. He has a tendency to catastrophize and can sometimes have quite a temper. This poor temper doesn’t stem from anything particularly bad, moreso because Beeper is very passionate about what he cares about and he wants things to go smoothly. But of course, his tendency to take things too seriously ends up making him quite uptight and irritable on occasion. Beeper takes great pride in his ability to easily solve puzzles and think extremely logically when he’s calm. One interesting thing about Beeper, and what fuels his adventuring escapades is the fact he knows absolutely nothing about his past. He sort of just woke up one day and decided to go on with his existence.
Despite the dissoverse being Beeper’s native home, it constantly fascinates and confuses him. He does extensive research on the environments he goes to and is always trying to get the inside scoop about shortcuts or secret paths. He tends to be pretty closed off to new people, but the second they bring up a possible link to where he came from or about his travels, he instantly opens up. Beeper has no permanent home despite him often being a very solitary person. He is a drifter through and through, a pocket-hopper by trade and essence.
Since Beeper is an artificial construction, he has no need for food or water. However, he does need to charge either via solar power or being plugged into an outlet. When his battery gets low he begins to get cranky and groggy. Beeper can go a good week without charging via solar power.
Beeper being a robot grants him many strange abilities. The small antenna that points out of his head can be used to pick up faraway signals. These signals often seem to come from the Higher Frequencies. Not only can Beeper pick up signals like a walkie-talkie, he can also be called from a distance (as long as you dial the right number). Beeper is also able to tell the date and time at any given moment alongside him being able to look things up on the fly if he’s close enough to a Frequency Hotspot. These helpful abilities do come with some downsides though. Beeper oftentimes seems to lag at random moments, especially if he’s far away from Dissonet or Higher Frequency sources. Sometimes Beeper also can’t access information quickly due to proximity problems… slow dissonet be damned!

Fummy is Beeper's partner.

Beeper's favorite game is minesweeper

He can read binary like it's a second language.

His favorite genre of music is chiptune.

The key on Beeper's tail is 45lbs.

Beeper's nose can be used as a flashlight

He's under the impression all bugs are computer bugs.

Read the comic HERE!
Check out Beeper's Toyhouse