Check out Donnie’s blog, Here!
Donovan, who’s mostly just called “Donnie” is an amateur investigator, ghost and cryptid hunter, blogger… the list goes on! Donnie collects strange hobbies like Pokemon cards, and he shows no signs of stopping. Donnie will spend weeks on end looking into mysterious missing persons cases, oftentimes considering more paranormal means than the police or other private investigators would. He’s drawn some pretty wacky conclusions, but each of them is backed by evidence. Donnie is currently working on his double major in journalism and English. His classmates view him as pretty kooky, especially since most of his research papers have to do with cryptids and ghosts. His closest friend, Vivian, which he met by chance in the university’s dining hall, puts up with his strange shenanigans and oftentimes finds herself roped into them. Donnie’s enthusiasm extends past his investigations and seeps into practically everything he does. If he’s passionate about it, he’s putting in his all no matter what! Donnie often finds himself swept up in his own work, despite him often being able to make progress at alarming rates he neglects everything else including himself. He often finds himself catching up on assignments last minute and staying up until the odd hours of the morning. He’s also found himself in a bit of trouble with the law, mostly just due to trespassing onto old abandoned private property. He’s certainly willing to try and track down evidence no matter how obscure the conclusion.

Donnie doesn’t seem to have any anomalous abilities on the surface, but luckily (or unluckily) for him he seems to attract them like a magnet… These occurrences often manifest as strange coincidences or odd strings of events. They’re subtle, but it seems as though Donnie is catching onto something being off.

Donnie's favorite band is The Smiths!

Donnie's favorite food is pecan pie

His favorite pokemon is Furfrou.

Donnie has a collection of ghost pictures.

Donnie's favorite holiday is Halloween.

Donnie's favorite game franchise is Silent Hill.

Donnie's favorite horror movie is The Thing!

Check out Donnie's Toyhouse